Port of Hamilton Directory
[maplist categories=”137,148,134,133,147,143,139,142,138,140,132,146,135,141,136,144,145″ openinnew=”true” categoriesticked=”true” categoriesaslist=”true” showthumbnailicon=”true” simplesearch=”true” locationsperpage=”3″ disablescroll=”true”]
Company Name | Sector | Pier |
Agrico Canada | Agri-food | 25 |
Airkool | Installation & Repair Services | 1632 Burlington |
Arcelor Mittal Dofasco | Manufacturing | 1632 Burlington |
Arts & Science Brewing | Agri-food | 10 |
BakerCorp. Canada | Manufacturing | 15 |
Bell & MacKenzie Co. Ltd. | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 15 |
Bermingham Construction Ltd. | Construction | 10 |
Biox Canada Ltd. | Environmental & Clean Tech | 12 |
Bitumar Inc. | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 26 |
Brewer Brothers Marine Supply | Recreational Marine | 10 |
Bunge Canada | Agri-food | 11 |
Burlington Steel Systems Inc. | Manufacturing | 15 |
Canadian Motorcycle Association | Professional & Business Services | 8 |
Canadian Salt Company | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 26 |
Chapel Steel | Manufacturing | 15 |
City Kidz Ministry | Community Services | Burlington St |
Clare Moore Refrigeration | Installation & Repair Services | 15 |
Cohen Machinery Inc. | Commercial / Retail | 15 |
Collective Arts Brewing | Agri-Food | 10 |
Columbian Chemicals Canada Ltd. | Manufacturing | 23 |
Contanda Canada (Westway Terminals) | Liquid Bulk | 23 |
Crawford Rail Products | Rail Services | 22 |
Dean Construction Co. Ltd. | Construction | 15 |
Dr. Walter Owsianik | Community Services | 8 |
Drs. Pray & Matos | Community Services | 8 |
Eastport Truck Wash | Trucking | 25 |
enGlobe Corp. | Liquid Bulk | 15 |
Fastenal Company Canada | Construction | Burlington St |
Federal Marine Terminals | Stevedoring | 12 & 14 |
Fibre Lamination Ltd. | Manufacturing | Burlington St |
Fisherman’s Pier | Recreational Marine | 28 |
Fluke Transport | Trucking | 15 |
G3 Canada Ltd. | Agri-food | 26 |
Gas Fix Inc. | Installation & Repair Services | Burlington St |
Gennesee & Wyoming | Rail Services | 15 |
Gord James Trucking | Trucking | 22 |
Great Lakes Stevedoring Co. | Stevedoring | 15 & 26 |
Hamilton Halton Brant Regional Tourism Association | Community Services | 8 |
Hamilton Police Service | Community Services | Burlington St |
Hamilton Port Authority | Shipping Services | 8 |
Hamilton Public Works | Community Services | 25 |
Hamilton Waterfront Trust | Community Services | 5 & 8 |
Handling Specialty Manufacturing Inc. | Manufacturing | 1632 Burlington |
Harbour West Marina | Recreational Marine | 8 |
HCE Energy Inc. | Environmental & Clean Tech | 10 |
Heddle Marine Services Inc. | Shipping Services | 14 |
Highroad Logistics | Trucking | 15 |
Hooper Welding Ltd. | Manufacturing | 26 |
Hydronic Parts Group Ltd. | Installation & Repair Services | Burlington St |
IKO Industries Ltd. | Manufacturing | 11 |
Imperial Oil | Liquid Bulk | 11 |
Intelligarde International | Professional & Business Services | Burlington St |
International Longshoremen’s Association | Shipping Services | Burlington St |
J.S. Cowan Consulting | Professional & Business Services | 1632 Burlington |
Joseph Haulage Canada Corp. | Trucking | 22 |
Kubes Steel | Manufacturing | 1632 Burlington |
Lafarge Ready-Mix | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 11 |
Lafarge Slag | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 22 |
Laidlaw | Trucking | 15 |
Lakeshore Sand Co. Ltd. | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 23 |
Leila’s Snack Bar | Food Services | 8 |
Machinery Warehousing Inc. | Commercial – Retail | 15 |
Maritime Data Services | Shipping Services | Burlington St |
Maritime Employers Association | Shipping Services | 15 |
Mattawa Industrial Services Inc. | Professional & Business Services | 1632 Burlington |
McAsphalt Industries Ltd. | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 24 |
McKeil Marine Ltd. | Shipping Services | 14 |
Metl-Span (Vicwest) | Manufacturing | 15 |
Mission to Seafarers | Shipping Services | Burlington St |
Nadro Marine Services | Shipping Services | 10 |
Navy League of Canada | Community Services | 8 |
North American Tillage Tools | Manufacturing | 15 |
North South Nautical Group Inc. | Commercial – Retail | 8 |
Ocean Ontario Towing Inc. | Shipping Services | 10 |
Outdoor Travel | Commercial / Retail | 25 |
Parkland Industries | Liquid Buld | 22 |
Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd. | Agri-food | 10 |
R.K. Magnetics Inc. | Electronics | 1632 Burlington |
R.S. Material Handling | Manufacturing | 15 |
RailCare Inc. | Rail Services | 15 |
Rankin Construction Inc. | Construction | 8 |
Richardson International Ltd. | Agri-food | 25 |
RNR Patient Transfer Services | Professional & Business Services | 26 |
Rogers Wireless | Electronics | 14 |
Ruetgers Canada Inc. | Liquid Bulk | 23 |
Samuel, Son & Co. | Commercial – Retail | 1632 Burlington |
Seabord Liquid Carriers | Trucking | 15 |
Securite File Storage | Professional & Business Services | 15 |
Shell Canada Products Ltd. | Liquid Bulk | 12 |
Stanpac | Manufacturing | 15 |
Sterling Fuels Ltd. | Liquid Bulk | 24 |
Stern Laboratories Inc. | Manufacturing | 1632 Burlington |
Sucro Can Inc. | Agri-food | 10 |
Sun Canadian Pipeline Co. | Liquid Bulk | 10 & 12 |
Sunrise Metals Inc. | Environmental & Clean Tech | 15 |
Sylvite Agri-Services Ltd. | Agri-food | 12 |
Terra Decor | Commercial – Retail | 15 |
Terrapure Environmental | Trucking | 25 |
Toronto Tank Lines | Trucking | 26 |
Trans-Northern Pipelines | Professional & Business Services | Burlington Ship Canal |
Travelers Transportation Service | Trucking | 15 |
Trefoil Marine | Recreational Marine | 8 |
True North Trucking | Trucking | 22 |
Two Cougars & a Café | Food Services | Burlington St |
Vivvo Transport Ltd. | Trucking | 15 |
Vopak Terminals of Canada Inc. | Liquid Bulk | 11 |
WalterFedy | Engineering & Construction | 8 |
Wild Thyme Catering | Food Services | 15 |
Windchaser Carrier Logistics | Trucking | 15 |
Wordsmith Publishing Co. Ltd. | Professional & Business Services | 8 |
Yellowline Asphalt Products | Infrastructure & Construction Materials | 22 |