HOPA Ports operates deep-water ports and multimodal facilities, serving the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Let HOPA Ports connect you to North America’s largest consumer markets, and any shipping destination around the globe. HOPA Ports’ partners offer specialized expertise and equipment for any import or export shipment.
The Ports of Hamilton & Oshawa provide handling, transloading and storage for a wide range of commodities including:
HOPA Ports offers property development/management of marine facilities on the Great Lakes. See Great Lakes Port Management

Talk to us about your next shipment.
Gina Delle Rose-Ash
Trade Development & Industry Relations
[email protected]
about hopa
Largest cargo volume on Canadian Great Lakes
650 acres & 130+ tenants
2.5 million sq.ft of manufacturing space
650 vessels/yr
6,000 rail cars/yr
11+ million MT/$3B cargo/yr
$350+ million in investment in recent years